Tuesday, July 10, 2007

A Bushel of Boasts.

We discovered today that we someone around us has wireless, so we can now sit at our remote lodge and go surfing on the World Wide Web- but we don't have running water, electricity, or a road anywhere nearby. And our nearest neighbor, and apparently the provider of this wireless connection, is over a quarter mile away across the river delta from us. How strange! I'm typing this outside, looking out over the river and the marshes, and hearing someone's cow (what? a cow?) mooing sadly. This is no land for a cow.

Bread is my all time favorite anything. And since I eat so much of it, I decided to start making it. I've dabbled in baking before, but most of my efforts turned out as 'crumble cakes,' as Taylor so aptly named them. But now I'm serious. And the whole wheat bread I've been making is amazing! It's delightful! It's wholesome and completely organic! I am nourished and happy- there is something so therapeutic about kneading bread dough for a long time. Look at the darling little butt on my loaf of bread!
I'm not even close to being done with this baking business. Last night I made a yeasted whole wheat pizza crust dough, and stealing the topping ideas from Old Roommate Eli (blue cheese and apple) and our Aunt Laura (vegetarian from our garden), we made the best dinner we've had in ages.
Taylor is building this amazing log greenhouse. He worked for a while at a log home building place, and decided to put those skills to use (also, we are really cheap with our cash, and didn't want to spend any money on lumber). So he's been thinning the trees on our land here, which needed to be done anyways, and he's using the logs for the greenhouse. Quality thinking, really. It's going to be the coolest greenhouse for miles around.
Taylor also went drift boat fishing the other day, and caught like 9 trout. And I have never been fishing, but he assured me that the trout here are way bigger than trout in the lower 48. This picture is him holding a Dolly Varden, which is a fish in the trout family.
By the way, while he was fishing, I was at the lodge baking and cross-stitching and cleaning, because we have decided (we are the deciders, after all) that the traditional American marriage is our goal. Therefore, I will do all the cooking, cleaning, and sewing, and he's going to bring home the bacon, or trout. This is such a more wholesome way of life, wouldn't you agree? I am probably going to start walking around barefoot soon, too, as soon as I get pregnant. Women don't deserve to wear shoes- that is obviously a man's priority.

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