Monday, October 6, 2008

The Killing of the Shrew

Certain things we have in abundance out here, like bears, beavers, and shrews. Other things we have a shortage of, like candy bars, hot tubs, and restaurants. But this is OK with us.
Our indoor voles and shrews is having a population renaissance of sorts, and we are the stodgy old people trying to squash their happiness. Well, not literally squash, more like crush, because we use traps. Just in case we run out of food we are freezing them so we can make little rodent kabobs:
There are at least three huge beaver lodges in this lake, and as someone who has only ever seen beaver dams, never a regal and majestic lodge, I am as impressed as a person can be:
As this lodge is a bear viewing lodge, there are many a bear around. This bear strolls through camp about twice a day, rolls in the mud, and bolts at the first hint of a human. So we stand inside and paparazzi the heck out of it:
Also, we had our first couple of days of snow, Moma discovered the tastiness of a good dead salmon, and Taylor and I are on a Scrabble playing marathon.

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