Sunday, September 28, 2008

Spring and summer and autumn went.

We are happily settled into our winter home. We got here four days ago, and worked hard with our boss to finish closing up the property. He left yesterday, and so of course the first thing we did was take the boat and go fishing; when I say 'we' what I really mean is 'Taylor convinced me to go with him.' But it turned out fun because he caught four salmon in as many casts. Moma also enjoyed herself, because fishing combines her two favorite activities- staring at animals and being in a boat:

It is really great being all by ourselves out here. Exploring an area is so much better when there aren't any other people around; it's more like how things should be, if that makes any sense at all:

Taylor is content to be with just his wifey and his puppy (and I know what you are wanting to say to us, 'Have you seen "The Shining?"' And I know what I would answer outloud, with an ingratiating laugh, 'Oh no, and I'm not going to!' And I know what I would be thinking in my head, 'Please, people, come on- solitude does not make a person a psycho, so grow an imagination and grow up.' I'm not angry, just bewildered that people associate wanting to be alone with being mentally deranged).

The weather has been particularly fine these last few days, perfect for some crazy wild guitar strumming:
Finally, this morning's sunrise. Between where we are now and those mountains 75 miles away (you can see them in this photo if you look closely) is where we spend our summer months. It's kindof great to know that we almost see where we spend the other half of our year:

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