Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Succesfully Startling the Tourists.

Although it is raining and poopy today, two days ago it was sunny and oh so very hot. So Taylor and I took our aunt's little dog Alice to the Knik River for a lovely day of listening to barking and playing baseball with rocks.
I'm typing this while sitting on our dock. Seven canoes full of French-people just paddled by, and I think they were very weirded out by me, as we are only the second building they have seen in probably seven days of paddling the canoe trail in the refuge. And here I am, stealing an internet connection like it's the most normal thing in the world. At least I assume they thought my presence was a little odd, because they all started staring at me and jabbering away in French, in what I take to be a confused tone of voice.

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