Sunday, August 5, 2007

Proof of Our Not-Lameness.

I have been thinking lately that you, our dear reader, most likely believes our life to be really boring, consisting only of building things and cooking things. You couldn't be more wrong! We happen to be one with nature as well: just yesterday, I was guiding a family on a hike that ends at a waterfall, and we saw a momma bear and her baby fishing in the waters and eating salmon. But, of course, I didn't have my camera.
And last week Taylor and I were sitting on our dock and a moose came charging down the hill out of the woods and into the river and starting splashing around like he was going crazy. Again, our camera was nowhere around.
Then two weeks ago Taylor was eating lunch in the lodge, and a lynx strolled up and looked in the window at him, like it was nothing. I just wanted to reassure you all that we actually do have cool lives, filled with interest and glee, but since great moments are by nature spontaneous, they are hardly ever on camera.
And the other night we paddled our kayaks up into the refuge and picked a LOT of blueberries:
So last night I made a great blueberry and peach pie, which is the first pie I have ever made- and it worked! And tastes so good! My pride cannot contain it, so here is yet another picture of something I have baked:
I can't promise that this blog will become action packed, with more photos of us spelunking and ice-climbing than cooking, but I hope this helped to put your worried minds at rest: we are not as lame as you thought.

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