Sunday, August 10, 2008

Wearing skirts in the wilds.

About a month ago my parents came up for a long overdue visit, and Taylor and I decided that what they really really needed was a camping trip way out in the middle of nowhere. So we rented a yurt on this really great bay outside of Homer, and hiked and sea kayaked and ate a lot for three days.
Getting ready to go sea kayaking takes a bit of dressing up, like putting on these attractive skirts:
Three years ago, when Taylor and I were brand new newlyweds, we went sea kayaking in a double kayak, and it nearly did us in. Two stubborn minds do not go well together in one boat. But apparently we have grown into being the greatest married couple ever, because we are pretty awesome kayakers. Just look at our perfectly synchronized form. We should be in the Olympics:
We went for a hike over this mountain behind us to a fish hatchery on the other side. First we had to navigate our way through a Jurassic-sized forest of Devil's Club, that nasty plant with millions of microscopic thorns:

Then we crossed a ladder over a little ravine. Taylor's advice to the rest of us was to just go as fast as you could over it, and then he practically ran over the (very unstable) ladder. I tried to do that too and almost fell 10 feet down to the bottom. Sometimes Taylor forgets that he is more coordinated than the rest of the world:
On the boat ride on the way back to the mainland the captain offered to take our picture, whereupon we wisely asked who would then be driving the boat. He replied that "The darn thing drives itself nowadays," and it did, because he turned around backwards and took a bunch of pictures while the boat chugged ahead at a pretty good rate. Also, notice how well Taylor and I match. It's like we've skipped being a young married couple and have gone straight to the matching jogging suit phase of life. I kind of like it:

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