Tuesday, July 29, 2008

What is this feeling of warmth on my arms?

Sun! Is here! And so I am sitting here in our boat, down in the river, trying to use someone's internet (the nearest house is over a quarter mile away), and I'm in heaven- I'm not wearing long johns or muck boots or heavy Carhartts, oh no, I am wearing a short sleeve t-shirt! And flip flops! It's heaven I tell you!
Taylor got a small solar panel to charge up our batteries (we have no electricity, and everything is run off of marine batteries or propane or both), and at the same time he also got these jazzy suspenders, so you can see he is a looker and a thinker:
We make a Deluxe Hamburger Picnic Extraordinare for one of the lunches that our guests are here. Presenting the origin of those burgers... The Beef Tube:
Taylor and a friend built a couple of new tents here at our lodge, and Moma has already claimed one of them as her very own:
Hooray for the sun!

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