Sunday, December 2, 2007

Anteaters eat ants, and then they get hit by trucks.

Our last week in Ecuador melted our faces off day after day with it's greatness- we went to Canoa, a beach town that we love (we went there a lot last year when we were living in Ecuador). We met a couple of fellow Sumaskans (Summer Alaskans... my new gift to the dictionary). One day we rented a truck and driver, and with our new friends traveled around to several other beaches. We were lucky enough to see the fabled 'Arco de Amor,' aka the Love Arch... and from the side it looks like something out of a Tim Burton movie:
Also on that truck trip, we saw a dead anteater in the middle of the road! And I have never even seen an alive anteater! But if I did, it would have looked something like this:
And we were also lucky enough to be in Canoa for 'Canoa Day,' the annual celebration of the town. Because it's in Ecuador, it has to have a 2 hour parade- because no celebration is worth it's salt if there is no parade! Everyone knows that! This girl was the queen of something, maybe the Queen of the Kindergartners, but alas she had no retinue or ladies in waiting or anything. It is awful lonely being at the top:
And, finally, a last picture of a Beckley in Ecuador. Here I am, in a stunning self-portrait, saying, "Wooht! Ecuador! Yes! And I'm in a cave on the beach! So great! Woohty woohty wooht!"

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