Saturday, September 15, 2007


I think the best thing about making jam is lining all the jars up when you are done and admiring your work. Actually, I think the best part about doing anything is admiring what you have done after it's all done:
Taylor and I went to Portland last week for our good friends' wedding, which Taylor was in. While Taylor did all the pre-wedding things guys do together, Marie and I reacquainted our Chickenscratch dolls (my Chickenscratch brought his pet whale, Targon McFlubbers, along as company) and we all spent some real quality time together:
Then, at the wedding, Taylor and Brett also reacquainted themselves with each other. Those little gems. By the way, my favorite thing about wedding pictures or party pictures are the poses that dancers are caught in. This picture has several great ones in the background:
During all of this great bonding and special time, my eyes were freaking out. I couldn't stand any light at all, and they hurt all the time. So I went to a doctor and was told I have blisters on my eye! And ingrown blood vessels! And a virus! What the heck?! Now I get to go back to my younger days and wear my extra-thick glasses:
And apparently when I bring out my glasses, my crazy hair comes back too. We didn't have a mirror so I was unaware of my looks until I walked into the lodge and saw my shadow on the door. Pretty scary stuff:
But luckily, throughout everything, our guard polar bear makes sure we're safe:

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