Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Taylor and Adalie's Adventures at Bear Camp

(The following is in third person. Read it as if you were reading 'Dick and Jane Go To School.')
Taylor and Adalie traveled by tiny plane to their company's Bear Camp, where they go each summer for a while to help out the friendly folks who work there. They love going to Bear Camp, and are so happy that their company sends them there all the time. This time they helped set up the tents so all of the lovely tourists will have a nice place to sleep. There are lots of big brown bears at Bear Camp, and a friendly old homesteader named Wayne. Wayne is a nice man. He has lived on this land since 1967, and right now Wayne owns a dog named Boots and a goat named Sugar Something. Taylor and Adalie smile big at Wayne's stories! They are so happy!

Adalie was ganged up on by the fierce goat dog duo. They demanded she play with them for hours, and when she wanted a break, the goat dog duo headbutted her.

Taylor participated in the annual Moldy Mattress Rodeo. He won.

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